Sunday, August 21, 2011


怎么办。。。怎么办。。女儿竟然有懒惰眼。。。 。。






Tuesday, April 26, 2011


好久没update blog 了,原因除了是懒之外,当然也是有点小忙。。哈哈哈。。全是藉口。

樱花开了,好漂亮。。。刚好我住的内街一整条2旁都开满了樱花。。这是我第一次看到樱花。。哇,。。太漂亮了,满满的1棵树开满了樱花却没看到半片叶子,好奇怪不是该长叶子再开花的吗?!!Anyway,漂亮,漂亮,漂亮!!(原本还吵着达达一定要开车带我去赏樱花,原来家门口就有了,哈哈!! 真是有眼不识樱花树@@" )

1月底考交通knowledge test,有点小笨考了2次才passed,4月中第一次考路试。。。passed。 yeah..!! 原来我偶尔也有聪明厉害的时候,现在我已可以合法地在加拿大开车。

Good Friday 是这里的假日连着的假日还有Easter Monday,女儿没上课达达也不用上班,恰好这几天的天气很好,所以决定出门走走。Canada Place——温哥华的地标之一,来到这里没去Canada Place就不算来过温哥华了。。嘻嘻,我呀。。在这住了一年多还是第一次去。。Gastown——游客多,精品纪念品店多,著名的steam clock也是游客必到之地。农历年时唐人街有游行,本来计划好带小孩去凑凑热闹,哪知天不作美下起了雨。。。没去!! 这次由于在gastown和Canada place走得太累了。。2个瓜累垮了,坚决不让老娘我好好的逛,我也只好让步就只是拍几张照就回家了。。感觉没来到似的。。郁闷!!

拜六,也是个晴朗的天。。Granville Island我来了。。G.I 是另一个温哥华景点。。里头有着满满的精品艺术店,theatre.一路走来都是一间间的手工艺品店,还有个public market,里头卖着各种有机蔬菜,水果和肉类,当然还少不了街头表演。


Saturday, March 26, 2011

一年了。。 。。



A Year Have Gone .....

It has been exactly a year today ..... when we first migrated here to Canada. Many things has change and many things has happen outside our expectation. (IN SHORT) Our journey begins from Malaysia - through Singapore Custom - Singapore Airport - transit in Hong Kong - arrive in Vancouver Airport - change to Domestic - flight to Kelowna ...... it was the longest & most tiring travel we have ever been. Stayed in Kelowna for nearly 3 months .... then decided to move to Vancouver instead for better job opportunities.

I can still remember that the hardest part of our migration was in Vancouver when we have 1st rented a place & had nothing. No beds (had to sleep on the carpet floor for 2 days), no plates, no food in the fridge, no cooking utensils & no transport. The 1st few weeks was like shopping for stuff ..... the images of us going to IKEA at 1st to shop for beds & stuff... had to carry to 2 big BAGS of bedding stuff & kitchen stuff while taking the BUS & Skytrain back to our rented home. Buying large items stuff like Vacuum Cleaner, Microwave & TV ..... without a Car, had to carry by hand & took public transport.

Then it was JOB Searching ..... for nearly 8 months without an income. Got turn down in several job interviews.... Never gave up ..... work harder, started volunteering at MOSAIC to teach Elderly how to use a PC.

Finally, in NOV my luck has turn & found a great temporary job in a good company & made good friends a work .... bought a car in DEC ..... working hard to establish myself ... etc.

Hopefully, the coming year will improve slowly. I'm not a greedy person but I really hope that I could get a Permanent Job in the company, save enough money to buy a townhouse & most importantly everyone (i.e. my wife & kids) is healthy & well.

Phew !!!! The journey now is like a whole lot of fast forward images ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011


登登上一次打预防针是在去年的6月份,当时是应fraser health的要求,每一个即将上kindergarten的小学生都得打白喉,破伤风,百日咳,小儿麻痹(DTap-IPV)接种育苗,最近我们又接到学校的通知原来登登还有2只针得打。当天他从学校带了信回来我就和他说要去打预防针她就大哭了,真糟糕还没打就开始哭了。

达达打电话预约了时间,提早下班接登登放学我们就去了fraser health。到了那里工作人员就让我们填写了一些资料,回答了几个问题比如,今天有不舒服吗?有没有药物敏感?现在有没有在服药。。。等!坐了一会儿护士就叫我们去房间里,一坐下来就问我们今天知道要打什么针吗?知道这个针是预防什么病的吗?等等。。。还为我们解释了为什么要打。。有什么问题要问吗。。等等。。想到以前在大马带着孩子去clinic打针。。护士的那张臭脸和现在这里这么友善的脸。。。唉。。。大马的护士待人的态度真的是有待改善.

登登一听到要开始打针了就开始大哭也很不合作的不肯拉开衣服让护士打。。托了好久才打好。。@@""....别人打针在room里面最多只是15mins,我家登登却是30mins。。伤脑筋呀!!当我们走出room在外面的工作人员还问。。Is she okay??可想而知她的哭声传遍千里。。可怜呀我的登登。。如果现在还留在大马,那么就少挨1针

这次打的是MMR Booster 和Meningococcal C (C型脑膜炎链球菌), 这个C 型链球菌在大马并不需要注射。

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Kirsten Making The Bed ....

We was really shocked on Saturday morning when we realise that my daughter had made her bed when she woke up. Then we asked if she could assist her brother & us in making the bed the next day when she wakes up ..... Sure enough the next morning she woke up & help her little brother make his bed too. Just seeing her slowly folding the small polyester blanket & then the single duvet blanket. Then putting it away under the pillow. When I was 5 years old I don't think I even know how to make my bed ....

Moreover, on Monday morning my wife told me that our daughter once again did it & this time even made up our bed. She neatly fold away our polyester blanket & I think our queen size duvet is too big for her to fold ... hence she just lay them straight & neatly covering the Bed.

Kirsten, Daddy & Mummy is really proud of you !!! Hopefully you will grow up to be a good & responsible girl as you are now !!

Thursday, January 6, 2011



天不作美一大早就下起了雪雨(wet snow),好讨厌雪雨。。搞得我连冷帽不见了都不知道而且2双boots都湿嗒嗒。

早上到了学校帮儿子sign in 后我就离开回家了。。他竟然没哭也没闹一心就只顾着玩。。。到他放学时我提早到学校想要偷偷看他在做什么。。没想到他一看到我就哭了和早上的情形成对比,老师还告诉我他一个早上都很好。。没哭也没闹叫我下次不要偷看他。。==” 唉。。。


Friday, December 31, 2010



1010 -达达找到工作了
